Adventures with Your Guide

Stories of everything from hiking and backpacking to trail running, fastpacking, FKT attempts and many other adventures. Follow along as your Wild Roots guide explores her wild roots through an array of different outdoors endeavors. Pick up on lil tips & tricks for your own epic tales along the way!  

“My first love was playing imagination in the woods. Creating pathways, weaving carpets with tall weeds I’d stripped the leaves from, and creating kingdoms only I could see. There was a magic in those childhood explorations in the forest. As an adult, I found myself drawn to the forest again seeking that familiar wild magic. I first found the love for hiking. I then learned you didn’t always have to stop hiking if you could carry your home on your back, and began backpacking. I then found trail running, and learned I could explore new trails in less time. Trail running taught me a very different, still meaningful, way to experience a trail. I truly believe powerful and engaging experiences can be found both in moving quickly through wild spaces (trail running, fastpacking), as well as moving more slowly (hiking or backpacking). I won’t say one is more difficult, enjoyable or wiser than the other. Each provides a unique experience. This blog is for the adventurers out there who’d like to read stories about such experiences.”

-Erica aka “Manifest”

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